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Language and Communication Services for Patients

The following communication and language services are available to Limited English Proficient (LEP) patients, family members, or legal guardians at VCU Health. Please notify your healthcare provider when you make your appointment if you, a family member or legal guardian need an interpreter or any other communication services for your visit.

The mission of the VCU Health System Office of Language Services is to remove communication barriers for all patients, family members, and/or legal guardians, and to provide quality interpretation and translation services in a timely manner.

Spoken Language Interpreters (on-site, virtual)

Interpreters for spoken languages are available at no cost to facilitate conversations between the patient and healthcare providers. The following resources are available to assist limited-English-proficient patients and their families in communicating with healthcare professionals:

  1. Martti tablet on wheels (Video)
  2. Martti on Zoom (Virtual)
  3. Two-handset blue telephone set (Over-the-phone)
  4. In-person interpreters

If you would like an interpreter to be present in-person for your appointment, please request an in-person interpreter as you schedule your appointment so team members can coordinate with our office.

Sign Language Interpreters (on-site, virtual)

Interpreters for signed languages are available at no cost to facilitate conversations between the patient and healthcare providers. The following resources are available to assist limited-English-proficient patients and their families in communicating with healthcare professionals:

  1. Martti tablet on wheels (Video)
  2. Martti on Zoom (Virtual)
  3. In-person interpreters (Visual, tactile, and Deaf interpreters available)

If you would like an interpreter to be present in-person for your appointment, please request an in-person interpreter as you schedule your appointment so team members can coordinate with our office.

*All sign language interpreters are qualified through the National Association for the Deaf and screened through the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Combination Text Telephone (TTY) and Amplified Phones

Amplified phones allow people who are deaf, hard of hearing or cannot speak to make voice carry over and/or hearing carry over calls as well as relay calls.

Combination Text Telephone (TTY) access is provided at no cost for all patients and VCU Health staff.

Language Cards (English, Spanish, Arabic)

Cards with pictures and symbols for basic needs, survival, and health needs are available for temporary use during inpatient stays and outpatient visits.

Bilingual Staff Assessment

The Department of Language Services is now partnering with Language Services Associates (LSA) to proctor our medical bilingual assessments for VCU Health employees. The health system receives five to six thousand limited English proficient patients a month in both the inpatient and outpatient settings including the Deaf and/or hard of hearing who require an American Sign Language interpreter. While the Department of Language Services provides free and accessible resources to patients via professionally trained interpreters, bilingual employees may be vetted by our department to use their linguistic capabilities to directly communicate with their patients within their designated roles after passing our Bilingual Staff Assessment.

Please contact our office at (804) 628-1116 or LanguageServices@vcuhealth.org to request more information about the Bilingual Staff Assessment.