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Cardiac Rehab

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac Rehabilitation is a monitored exercise and education program, ordered by a physician for patients with a recent cardiac event.

Patient’s completing the program frequently report more energy, greater strength, increased confidence, sleeping better and loss of depression.

Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation include: Decrease in risk factors for another cardiac event, increase in ease of completing activities of daily living, lower cholesterol, better control of blood pressure and blood sugar, encouragement to make heart healthy lifestyle changes, smoking cessation, ability to return to work and improved well-being.

Many of our patients come to rehab with complaints of weakness or shortness of breath with activities.  They are either recovering from bypass surgery, PTCA with or without stent placement, have had a heart attack or have stable angina.  We are accustomed to seeing their lives transformed within weeks or months of regular attendance and education.

Cardiac Rehab participants can expect to wear a telemetry monitor each time they come and have their blood pressures monitored during exercise.  Nutrition counseling is provided as well as smoking cessation and stress management techniques.  Upon graduating from the program many of our patients enter the Phase Maintenance program.  We would be honored to be included in your heart care team.

Phase II Cardiac Rehab is located in the C.A.R.E. Building.

Cardiac/Pulmonary Rehab Maintenance Program

This program, located in the Hendrick & Cancer Rehab Center, is designed to meet the needs of the patients who health problem as stabilized but desires to continue an exercise program in a medical fitness facility. A physicians referral is required and an initial evaluation is performed by a rehab nurse.

Because very few insurance programs pay for maintenance rehab, this is an out of pocket expense.  The program provides daily blood pressure, heart rate and body weight monitoring. Telemetry monitoring is performed on a monthly basis as well as monthly summaries are sent to the patient's primary care physician.

Exercise Therapy Center

To schedule an appointment, please call (434) 584-5401